Developer Guide

Flutter In-App Messages Lifecycle Callbacks

You can subscribe to In-App messages lifecycle.

You get callbacks:

  • before In-App message is displayed
  • right after In-App message is displayed
  • before In-App message is closed
  • after In-App message is closed
  • if an error during displaying In-App message occurred

In these callbacks you also receive a data model which contains information whether In-App message was displayed via display rules or push notification click, id or interaction id of In-App message and some other data which may be useful.

class InAppMessageAction {
    required this.isCloseButtonClicked,
    required this.isButtonClicked,
    required this.isOpenUrlClicked,
  final bool isCloseButtonClicked;
  final bool isButtonClicked;
  final bool isOpenUrlClicked;

Example usage

Reteno.onInAppMessageStatusChanged.listen((status) {
    switch (status) {
    case InAppShouldBeDisplayed():
        print('In-app should be displayed');
    case InAppIsDisplayed():
        print('In-app is displayed');
    case InAppShouldBeClosed(:final action):
        print('In-app should be closed $action');
    case InAppIsClosed(:final action):
        print('In-app is closed $action');
    case InAppReceivedError(:final errorMessage):
        print('In-app error: $errorMessage');

Pause In-App Messages

You can manage the display of In-App messages by pausing them when needed.
Pausing In-App messages can be useful to prevent interruptions during critical user flows such as registration or payment processes.

All In-App messages that are supposed to be displayed during the pause period will be skipped and shown later when the display rules match.

You can pause or unpause In-App messages at any time during the application's lifecycle.
