Developer Guide

iOS App Lifecycle Events

Starting from version 2.0.4 Reteno can track app lifecycle events such as instalation, updating, opening and backgrouding. This event will be tracked automatically but it can be managed.

let configuration: RetenoConfiguration = .init(isAutomaticAppLifecycleReportingEnabled: true)
Reteno.start(apiKey: "API_KEY", configuration: configuration)

When isAutomaticAppLifecycleReportingEnabled is enabled Reteno tracks the following events:

Event NamePropertiesDescription
ApplicationInstalledversion, buildThis event fires when a user opens the application for the first time right after installation
ApplicationUpdatedversion, build, previousVersion, previousBuildThis event fires when a user opens the application after updating the application
ApplicationOpenedfromBackgroundThis event fires when a user launches or foregrounds the application after the first open
ApplicationBackgroundedapplicationOpenedTime, secondsInForegroundThis event fires when a user backgrounds the application