Advanced Workflow Block Parameters

Advanced Workflow Block Parameters

Fill the advanced parameters in the following cases:

  • When using custom event parameters
  • For sending messages to an additional contact
  • For inserting dynamic content

List of Additional parameters:

Contact IDContact identifier in the system or an event parameter containing it.
Email Contact's email address or an event parameter containing the email address.
Phone Contact's phone number or an event parameter containing it.
Token Contact's token or an event parameter containing it.
Language Message language. Leave the field blank if you use a multilingual message in the workflow.

Learn more about setting up multilingual campaigns >
JSONSpecific data from the event.

Let's view each case of parameter configuration in detail.

Using Custom Event Parameters

By default, when starting a workflow, the event should pass standard parameters for contact identification:

Event parametersIdentifiers
Contact ID
externalCustomerIdExternal ID
Phone number
Contact token



  1. The primary identifier is ContactId. If it is not specified but at least one of the other identifiers is provided, ContactId will be automatically added to the event.
  2. To start workflows, the system identifies the contact for which the event was received. The system searches for the contact using the following rules:
  • ​​​​​Contact ID has the highest priority among all parameters.
  • Entered contact email, phone number, or token are used for sending.
  • If externalCustomerId is specified, the message is sent to the contact it belongs to; among those contacts that were found by email address, phone number or token.
  • If externalCustomerId is not specified, the message is sent to the contact found by email address, phone number or token.
  • If a contact is not found, a new contact will be created for sending.
  1. For data consistency, provide parameter names according to the specified list.

If the parameters in the event don't match the standard values, such as using PersonalEmail instead of EmailAddress, like on the screen below

Event parameters

In this case, specify the name of the corresponding variable in the Email field.

Email field

Sending Messages to an Additional Contact

For example, if you need to duplicate the message sent to the user and send it to the manager.

Copy the block with the selected message in the workflow and specify the manager's contacts in the advanced parameters.

Sending Messages to an Additional Contact

Inserting Dynamic Content

Use this field to display specific data from the event in the message.

For example, if the event contains JSON:

    "name": "items",
    "value": {
        "array": [
                "name": "Brenda Flatform Sport Sandals",
                "price": "100.00",
                "url": "",
                "imageUrl": ""
                "name": "Cloudsteppers Women's Brio Sol Flip-Flop Sandals",
                "price": "78.00",
                "url": "",
                "imageUrl": ""


  • name – the field name
  • value – the value to be inserted into the message.

Insert the field name into the JSON parameter in the ${items} format.

JSON parameter

Specify the variables that will display the products in the message.

Specify the variables

Learn more about using Velocity in emails >