Adding a Website to the Yespo Account



Web push token collection is only available for HTTPS protocol websites.

Selecting a Subscription Type

  1. Go to your account settings and select the Web Push tab.
Account settings
  1. Select the subscription type:
  • Double Opt-in. A double opt-in subscription. The advantage of this type is the ability to customize the appearance of the subscription and confirmation windows. In this case, a user will first see your customized window, and then the standard one.
  • Single Opt-in. Allows users to subscribe with just one button click, without additional confirmation.



Google Chrome may block intrusive subscription windows. To avoid potential limitations, select the Double Opt-in subscription.

Select the subscription type

Click the + Connect website button, then select the subscription type if your account has existing subscriptions.

Connect website

New Website Adding

After selecting the subscription type, fill in the required fields Website URL and Website name.

Fill in the required fields

Service Worker Setup

Service Worker is a script that runs in the background on your device, even when you are not using the website or application.

The Service Worker configuration includes three fields (filled in automatically):

  • Path to the file — the path to the directory on the website where the script file should be uploaded.
  • File name — the name of the file containing the code (will be generated in the Web Push Integration step.)
  • Scope — the scope within which the Service Worker can interact with the website content. It defines on which pages or in which directories of the website this Service Worker will be active.



  • When using a web push Service Worker together with a PWA (Progressive Web App) Service Worker, it is necessary to separate their scopes to avoid conflicts. A typical setup is to place the PWA Service Worker in the root directory of the website and the web push Service Worker in any other directory.
  • The scope of the web push Service Worker is not limited to the pages where the script is active. It works on all pages of your website, even if they are not within the specified scope.
Service Worker Setup

If you need to place the file in a different directory on the website, change the path to the Service Worker file.



The file path and scope must have the same base path, starting and ending with a slash “/”. For example, if the path is /push/reteno/, then the scope must also start and end the same way, meaning it should also be /push/reteno/.

Web Push Certificates

If you already have a subscriber base, enter public and private keys in the corresponding fields. To receive new certificates, leave the fields blank—the keys will be automatically generated along with the script for your website.

Enter public and private keys

Legacy Browsers Support

Follow the link to configure Web Push subscriptions on Safari versions below 16.



Sending Web Push notifications in Safari is only available in the Advanced plan

Configure Web Push subscriptions on Safari

Web Push Integration

It consists of the following steps:

  • Generating and integrating the script
  • Checking the website status

Let's take a closer look at these steps

Generating and Integrating the Script

Generating the script

Click Generate script and follow these steps:

  1. Download the Service Worker installation file below and copy it to the /push/yespo/ directory on your website or to the directory specified in the File path field in the Service Worker settings.
  2. Copy the generated code and insert it into the section of your website's HTML pages.
  3. Create a manifest file and place it in the root directory to enable sending messages to devices with iOS/iPadOS.
Follow these steps

Checking the Connection Status

After uploading the installation file and adding the code to your website, click the Check website status button.

Check website status

The Website connected status should appear in the settings. From this moment on, tokens will start to be collected.

Website connected status

Check the settings you’ve made if you see Script not installed.

Script not installed



Sometimes, the website status may not be displayed due to the website provider’s security policy. If the script is installed, ignore this status.

To enable Web Push notifications support on iOS/iPadOS devices in PWA (Progressive Web Apps), make sure the manifest file is placed in the root directory of your website.

Manifest not found



If support is not required, simply ignore the Manifest not found status.

Click Set up subscription to go to the appearance settings of the subscription window, or Back to return to the general settings tab.

Set up subscription

Learn more about customizing the appearance of the subscription window in a separate article.

Deleting Tokens

Enable the option to automatically delete inactive tokens after 30, 60, or 90 days to keep only those users who interact with the campaigns.

Deleting tokens

Editing Web Push Integration

To return to the integration settings, for example, to change the website name, re-upload the installation file, or copy the generated code, click the website link or the three dots icon and select Web Push integration.

Editing Web Push integration

Here you can delete the linked website.

Delete the website