Creating Multilingual Campaigns
Using multilingual workflows, you can send one message that dynamically displays different language versions to your subscribers.
The system automatically determines the language for a campaign based on one of the algorithms:
- If the event doesn’t determine the language, the message will be sent in the language specified in the contact profile. This is convenient for the existing base.
- If the event determines the language, the message will be sent in this language. The language specified in the user profile will be ignored.
- If the language isn’t determined by the event and isn’t specified in the user profile, the message will be sent in the default language.
Creating Bulk Campaign
The process of scheduling/launching a bulk multilingual campaign is standard:
- select a multilingual message,
- move to Campaigns,
- select a segment,
- schedule or send a message.
The system will automatically send the necessary content to the corresponding contact. You don't need to build segments based on the language.
Creating Triggered Workflow
The language value is passed from the event to the workflow's message block to the languageParam (Set the language parameter for the workflow) field. This field is available in the Email block, and all Send obligatory (transactional) messages tasks (email, SMS, Viber).
Place any of these blocks in the workflow and
- Copy the name of the variable responsible for the language code from the event you link to the workflow.
- Wrap the variable in a dollar sign and curly braces in the languageParam field of the workflow block.

If you use one of the single message blocks except for email, there is no languageParam field. This means the message will be sent in the language specified in the user profile. The message will be sent in the default language if the language isn’t specified in the user profile. If you need to determine language by the event, use the Condition workflow blocks.
Using Workflow Condition Blocks for Multilingual Campaigns
- Create separate messages for every language you want to use.
- Add the Condition blocks with such settings to the workflow:
- Task name — Variable matches regular expression,
- name — variable name (eg, Language),
- pattern — regular language code value checked for compliance.

Each Condition block should check if the event variable matches the specified pattern.
- If it does — the workflow goes by Yes brunch, which should be connected with the message in the corresponding language;
- If it doesn't — the workflow goes by No brunch, which should be connected with the following condition block.
The last Condition block should be connected with the message on the default language by both branches. This way, if the event variable doesn’t match any specified pattern, such users will receive this last message.
Updated about 2 months ago