Adding a Table to an Email

In the editor, you can add a table to your email in two ways: using a structure or a Text block.

How to Add a Table Using a Structure

Go to Structures → Content and drag a structure with the necessary number of containers to the template. The number should correspond to the number of columns.

Drag a structure with containers

If necessary, add or remove containers in the settings on the left. Specify the width of each container and the indent between them.

How to add or remove containers

Set the indent of 0 if you want your table to look classic.

Set the indent between containers

Make indents bigger to add space between containers.

Add space between containers

To add text to containers, select the corresponding option.

How to add text

The container's appearance is set in the menu on the left. Select the color and width for the container borders in Common.

Color and width for borders

You can also set the parameters for the entire block:

  • Text color;
  • Background color;
  • Alignment;
  • Line spacing;
  • Padding.
Parameter settings

To edit text, use the top menu:

Editing menu

Once you've set the appearance of the first structure, you can duplicate it by clicking Copy.

Copy the block

If necessary, edit paddings of the structures: set 0 for the top and bottom paddings to remove extra space between the rows.

Paddings editing

Once your table is ready, optimize it for mobile devices. For each structure, disable Responsive structure. This way, containers of the structure will be located in one row on mobile devices.

Responsive structure disabling

Go to Appearance → Mobile formatting and set the font size for the mobile version. Most often, 14px is used for desktop versions, and 16px for mobile versions. For our template we select 14 pixels as this size is convenient for reading and keeps the original container display.

Font size for the mobile version

To see the email in both versions, click View message.

Click View message

The table should look the same on both mobile and desktop.


How to Add a Table Using a Text Block

In Content → Blocks select Text and drag it to the template.

Text block

Click Insert in the top menu and select Table.

Table menu

Specify table properties.

Table properties

Fill the created table with the corresponding text. You can apply to the text all settings from the top menu, but unlike structures, you can't set parameters for each cell.

Add text to containers



The font size in tables created using the Text block is the same for desktop and mobile versions. You don’t need to disable Responsive structure and adjust Mobile formatting.

Preview of email